i long ass fucking time ago in a town called kickapoo there lived a humble family religious through and through, but yea there was a black sheep and he knew just what to do. His name was young JB and he refused to step in line, a vision he did see it fucking rocking all the time, he wrote a tastey jam and oh the planets did align... OH THE DRAGONZ BALLZ WERE BLAZZIN AS I STEPAED INTO HIS CAVE, THEN I SLICED HIS FUCKIN COCKALES WITH A LONG AND SHINY BLADE, TWAS I WHO FUCKED THE DRAGON FUCKALII SING FUCKALOO AND IF YOU TRY TO FUCK WITH ME I SHALL FUCK YOU TOOOOOOOOOOOO. best opening in the WORLD TENACIOUS D FTWWWWW
i long ass fucking time ago in a town called kickapoo there lived a humble family religious through and through, but yea there was a black sheep and he knew just what to do. His name was young JB and he refused to step in line, a vision he did see it fucking rocking all the time, he wrote a tastey jam and oh the planets did align... OH THE DRAGONZ BALLZ WERE BLAZZIN AS I STEPAED INTO HIS CAVE, THEN I SLICED HIS FUCKIN COCKALES WITH A LONG AND SHINY BLADE, TWAS I WHO FUCKED THE DRAGON FUCKALII SING FUCKALOO AND IF YOU TRY TO FUCK WITH ME I SHALL FUCK YOU TOOOOOOOOOOOO. best opening in the WORLD TENACIOUS D FTWWWWW
Go My D breteren! Spread The Word of the D!!!!